My Beijing day from Rabeleis to Chekhov

My friend in Xinhua Net asked me if I am interested in working with their Japan section last night. I appreciated her kindness and yet, introduced my friend instead.

Then I looked up their HP日本語_新華網, which is pretty much filled with propaganda articles, but much sophisticated than before.
What strikes me is China's active release of information in various languages.
I really don't know how many Japanese would read Xinhua Japanese language news, but anyhow, they vigorously work on it.

Japanese Version of Renming net is another governmental news hub, whose contents look more rich and fresh than that of Xinhua.

OK, that was my short trip to propaganda media last night. they are improving and enriching a lot than before!

Then I rewrote an article about Chinese million seller book, Daqing Xianguo *a story of Premier Chen Yan Jing.

I read this long long story of office politics game with a taste of Qing dynasty history (in Japanese translation by my genius friend! ). Qing version of American House of Cards. (another Chinese favorite series! Chinese people are in deep love of fierce political games)

The author is Mr. Wang Yuewen, born in 1962 at Hunan, graduated from 2-year college and worked at government offices starting from county-, city- and at end, provincial level. (this tells he was a very successful ladder climber in Chinese local government hierarchy)

I was so surprised and pleased,though, to find out his favorite books were foreign literature like, 16th century French classic, Giant Man Story by Raveleis and Cherry Garden by Chekhov! How cool! He was not just a master of political game!

Mr Wangs Daqing Xiangguo is so much fan; I was totally taken away! Very much recommended. It tells you how Chinese politics work in the extremely complicated human guanxi web.

It is definitely a awesome historical and entertaining literature! Everyone who is interested in Chinese politics, history might want to read it. I am sure you can enjoy and learn a lot at from the traditional wisdom of Chinese politics.